Save the dates: KHL crane events in 2021

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19 January 2021

Dates and locations have been confirmed for the three crane and transport events being organised during 2021 by KHL Group and International Cranes and Specialized Transport magazine.

The three are the ESTA Awards of Excellence and Market Webinar on 22 April (held virtually); the International Tower Cranes (ITC) conference on 29 June in Nice, France; and the World Cranes and Transport Summit Asia (WCTS Asia) on 30 September in Singapore. See below for more details:

ESTA Awards of Excellence & Market Webinar – 22 April, 2021 (virtual)
Originally scheduled for Paris during Intermat, the ESTA Awards - jointly organised by ESTA and International Cranes and Specialized Transport - will go ahead as a virtual event following the cancellation of the show.

In addition to the awards ceremony, there will be three industry speakers addressing key market issues for the European crane and specialized transport sector.

Click here for details.

International Tower Cranes (ITC) – 29 June, 2021 (Nice, France)
The key conference for the global tower crane sector, ITC will go ahead as an in-person event on 29 June in Nice, France. If a physical event proves to be not possible, we will switch to a virtual format.

A networking reception will be held the evening before the conference.

Topics will include:

  • Understanding wind loadings on tower cranes;
  • New tower crane automation technology;
  • PPVC prefabricated construction methods and tower cranes;
  • Reports from major towere crane projects.

Click here for details.

World Cranes and Transport Summit Asia (WCTS Asia) – 29/30 September, 2021 (Singapore)
Our World Crane and Transport Summit moves to Singapore this year for its Asian edition, and will be held during the Singapore Crane Week being organised by the country’s Workplace Safety & Health Council and the Ministry of Manpower.

The event will start with a networking reception on the evening of 29 September and a full-day conference on the following day. The Singapore Crane Week will comprise a number of industry events, including site visits.

Speakers to include:

  • Keynote speaker: Paul van Gelder, CEO, Mammoet.

Click here for details.

Call for papers
Speakers programmes for all three events are being compiled now. If you are interested in giving a presentation or would like to suggest a topic, pleaase contact:

Alex Dahm, editor, International Cranes and Specialized Transport

Murray Pollok, events director, KHL Group

Mike Hayes Editor, Construction Europe Tel: +44 (0)1892 786 231 E-mail:
Catrin Jones Deputy Editor, Editorial, UK – Wadhurst Tel: +44 (0) 791 2298 133 E-mail:
Simon Kelly Sales Manager Tel: +44 (0) 1892 786 223 E-mail: