?Hable Espanol?
15 April 2008
Mike Popovich, director of training at JLG Industries, says the company launched its Spanish language train the trainer course quite simply “because we were getting a lot of requests for it.â€
He estimates that as many as 40% of AWP operators in the US are Spanish speaking – and an even greater proportion throughout the Americas – and there was a lack of good quality training material in their language.
Developed by JLG TrainingPlus, the three-day program will cover the training of trainers for operators of both aerial platforms and telehandlers. “Having a JLGcertified instructor provides customers with the flexibility to conduct their own internal training at their own discretion,†says Popovich. “Additionally, those who resell or lease machines get the ability to confidently offer Spanish language operator training to their customers as a value added service.–
In addition to the train the trainer courses, JLG is also running one-day Spanish language operator training courses.
Spanish training has already been completed in Panama, Mexico, Argentina and also at JLG's McConnellsburg, PA facility. See www.JLGtrainingplus.com for schedules.